NFT Projects Allocation

NFT projects were airdropped 16% of the total supply of GUI to appreciate them for building through one of the bear phases of the Crypto market, and the holders were rewarded for their conviction and patience.

Following is the list of projects that were airdropped GUI INU.

  • Aptos Monkeys

  • Bruh Bears

  • Aptomingos

  • AptoRobos

  • Mavrik

  • Spooks

  • Pontem Space Pirates

  • Pontem Dark Ages

  • Aptos Ape Club

  • Proud Lions Club

  • Celestials

  • Celestians

  • Boneshaman Totems

  • Arkle

  • Move Bots

  • Netzcuty

  • Netzjoy

  • Redacted Keys

  • Wapal Christmas Box

Last updated